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PowerPro development to cease this month

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Message posted by Bruce Switzer in the main Yahoo! Group for PowerPro:

My current plans are to stop all PowerPro development at the end of
April.  I have fixed a couple of small bugs in the last weeks, and will
look at any that are reported before April 30.  After that, I will no
longer respond to bug reports (or feature requests).

I am aware of a couple of outstanding bugs which I have decided not to
attempt to fix:

- *window menu move fails if dialog open:  too complicated to fix

- missing tooltip help for some dialog elements of configure dialog:  I
don't want to open the configure program just to do this.

--- End quote ---

Hopefully he hand down source code to someone? Most original and manipulating geek program Ive seen. Hopeless and cool. If Windows geeks exist it will be those who cant imagine desktop without PowerPro/Stiletto ;)

Bruce has been tweaking this program for years to the delight of users everywhere. It would be cool if it was handed over to someone else, but if not, it remains the most powerful tool in my belt. Saves me a countless number of hours in all areas of computer use.

For those who don't know it:

PowerPro Homepage:

Hopefully he hand down source code to someone? -dk70 (April 15, 2007, 12:29 PM)
--- End quote ---
Unfortunately, the answer is no. Quote from Bruce:
Sorry, but no.

1. Its got so many interal design problems now, that anyone attempting
to learn it and change it would need a lot of support from me which I
am not interested in providing. In fact, there are certain key
sections, like bar drawing and menu processing, that I fear touching

2. I don't think there is anything more of significant to be done.
If someone thinks of something, a plugin could be used.

3. There does not seem to be any more significant bugs.
--- End quote ---


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