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Some notes about a potential PuTTY session plugin.
Regarding PuTTY sessions, it looks to me like some (recent?) versions of PuTTY don't store session names under:
Instead the following type of location is where I see settings:
where <SID> seems like it is account-specific.
I haven't come up with a good way for determining (via JavaScript) an appropriate value for <SID> for the current user.
Related to PuTTY (maybe helpful?)... I know it's not exactly what was requested, but I've had good luck with using KiTTY ( as an alternative to PuTTY. The program has a bunch of handy features that the original PuTTY lacks, including auto-login. One of its other options is that there is a built-in portable mode (although you have to specify it in the kitty.ini file) (more info here), so session configurations are saved to text files instead of the registry. Perhaps it would be easier to create a plugin that could parse those text files instead of the registry for session info?
It might be easier and it is what I'm more interested in:
It seems like it'd be nice to be able to support multiple persistence schemes though and my impression (just a complete guess) was that it's likely that the registry methods are the most widely used so I was trying to figure out what might be involved for it first. If there appears to be enough interest though, I'm happy to consider working on the file-based persistence method [1] first.
[1] I'm not sure if there is more than one, but I have noticed there appear to be multiple portable PuTTYs derivatives.
I'm not sure what the deal is w/ the registry storage locations for PuTTY (i.e. HKEY_CURRENT_USER vs HKEY_USERS and SID) -- perhaps it's just my poor understanding of Windows :)
At any rate, I've got a preliminary version of a PuTTY plugin which seems to be working with the standard PuTTY. I tested a modified version w/ KiTTY's registry-based sessions (the only relevant difference I noticed seemed to be the location in the registry) with some success.
If there is interest, I might put together a preliminary release for testing.
I'm considering the file-based stores too -- it seems like it may be straight-forward.
I'm new here, so excuse me if my suggestions are stupid :D
Anyways, here's a list of what kind of plugins i'd like (if possible that is :P)
Winamp Remote : i'm thinking that probably using AMIP we could have some advanced functions to control Winamp (like list all loaded songs and select which one to play, jump to previous/next track, play/pause/stop, ...)
Miranda : list all users (or maybe just online users) from Miranda, and when you select one user it opens a new chat window with that user, i think this would need a plugin to be loaded in Miranda too which would give the list of users and open the chat window
StartupManager : list all programs that startup with the system (from Startup folder and registry) and give the ability to disable them
SkyPE : similar to Miranda, list users (or only online users) and on selection start conversation with the user
TeamViewer : list the last entered ID's or aliases from TeamViewer and on selection start TeamViewer with that ID (or give the ability to start TeamViewer with a give ID).
(TeamViewer is a very good remote desktop control, very usefull when trying to help other people to configure stuff).
If i manage to learn how to write plugins for FARR i'll try to implement some of the plugins.
P.S. 2 : why don't you make a database with the plugin suggestions and possible solutions, so it's easier for users to see what was suggested and if it's already possible or not. It would also be easier for plugin developers to see what plugins have been requested.
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