Software > FARR Plugins and Aliases
Post your FARR v2 Plugin Idea Requests Here - Plugin Writers Read In
Sorry if this has already been suggested but I would really like to see a pidgin plugin like Launchy has (see I'm a long-time Launchy user and I've become quite used to having that feature.
Sorry if this has already been suggested but I would really like to see a pidgin plugin like Launchy has (see
-Dagur (November 27, 2008, 11:05 AM)
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I am confused -- did you mean PuTTY or Pidgin (or both...or something else)?
sorry, of course I meant PuTTY :-[
Thanks for the clarification.
Depending on how many sessions you have, may be a cheap way to get by until someone writes a plugin is to create an alias which gives you the option of choosing sessions - each choice could be specified via the -load command line option to putty.exe. Does that help at all as a temporary solution?
I gave it a shot but it's not quite what I want. I have a rather large number of sessions to choose from and FARR doesn't remember my parameters so I have to type the whole session name out every time.
Edit: With help from mouser I could create an alias that works for me (at least sufficiently).
Attached is a python script I made that generates the alias file by reading the session names from the windows registry. Just change the extension from .txt to .py and enjoy!
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