Hi Mouser,
I have an alias group containing commands for an application (Totalcommander). As this application has a lot of commands (repspectivly menu entries), which I can't always remember, I want to use FARR to search in the commandlist and trigger the approriate command in Totalcommander. With the help of an external AHK-script I was able to do this like I wanted it to be.
But know I have the problem, that my alias group would contain 390! commands. While FARR is running I can paste all commands into the appropriate group and use them. But when FARR is restarted, only a small number of commands is left. I looked into the FindAndRunRobot.ini and found that a line, which represents the group, can only have around 2050 characters.
I like it very much to search a trigger commands via FARR instead of navigating thru endless menus. So I made 25! alias groups triggered by the same alias. While this is working well, maintaining the groups is obviously quite difficult.
It would be nice, if you could extend the character limit as a quick solution to this problem. But I think this is a perfect idea for a plugin, as all available commands are stored in a textfile. Sadly I'm not experienced enough in the available programming languages.
Do you think that this is possible?
And if yes. Is anybody out there, who can make or help me to make (in VB6

or VB.NET) such a plugin?