Software > Find And Run Robot
slenderFARR - a new skin for FARR
A tip for others that also prefer a minimal GUI: run this autohotkey script once after each FARR startup (usually once after each computer reboot) to disable the statusbar text.
It also has the positive sideeffect of hiding the horizontal line between the main input box and the (now empty) statusbar area until any matches are displayed.
--- ---Control, Hide,, TPanel1, ahk_class TMainForm
ControlSetText, TPanel3, %A_Space%, ahk_class TMainForm
edit: I autorun the script after each reboot and then delay it for 2 minutes ( autohotkey command: "Sleep, 120000") so that it doesn't try to disable the statusbar before FARR has autostarted.
edit2: the sleep step above didn't work if the FARR window hadn't been opened once yet. This works better. Put it in autorun and change "pause" to whatever you use as FARR hotkey.
--- ---~Pause::
winwaitactive, ahk_class TMainForm
Control, Hide,, TPanel1, ahk_class TMainForm
ControlSetText, TPanel3, %A_Space%, ahk_class TMainForm
I have read this thread entirely (I think), and while this does appear to be addressed here:
you dont have to technically remove the toolbar, just click and hold to the left of it and drag it to far right which will hide it.-mouser
--- End quote ---
I want it to look like the example in the original post, which has no sorting bar there.
slenderFARR - a new skin for FARR
find 'results display style' under display options and change it to 'large icon...'
find 'results display style' under display options and change it to 'large icon...'
-rgdot (October 17, 2009, 11:43 PM)
--- End quote ---
ohhhhh, thanks.....
Mouser, may I suggest a feature request, to be able to hide the toolbars in small list icons, without changing the way it shows? Perhaps an autohide is in place? IDK, but I really love the list style, if it were just possible to make it a bit more minimal
what do you want to hide?
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