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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

The First DC Get together Dinner and Drinks event

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We brought a camera, but we forgot to take pictures! Maybe if we had more time and weren't all exhausted from driving we would have remembered :S
-Gothi[c] (March 29, 2007, 12:06 PM)
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We brought a camera, but we forgot to take pictures! Maybe if we had more time and weren't all exhausted from driving we would have remembered :S
-Gothi[c] (March 29, 2007, 12:06 PM)
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Maybe to assist with that you should change your nickname to Gotoremembertotakepictureshi[c].

yeah, i was really upset that we forgot.... we mentioned it once, but dunno why we didnt then...I guess its cuz goth and mouser were talking geek stuff alot, then we wanted to go out and stuff in the little time that we had. So i apologize.

Still working on the 2008 thing now... just need ideas!!!


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