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Lightweight alternatives to FeedDemon
ohh the joy of calling 256 k slow lol, i tried to get google reader on 56k dialup, woeful, probably work ok on 264 k when i can get home (my fast connectiion lol), ive found either a separate reader (presently using greatnews a freeware offering) and using my yahoo for a few headlines seems ok, doesnt seem to have the long download and get ready time that google has.
Well, I would recommend you to check out Newzie. It's a great feed reader, has a really good interface & doesn't take much resources to run. If you like that, you might also want to check out their *fantastic* Ziepod if you listen to a lot of podcasts. Both programs are freeware, although there is a "+" version of Ziepod available (which is what I use).
Well, I would recommend you to check out Newzie...-Dirhael (May 29, 2007, 06:23 PM)
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Hi Dirhael. Although I use and really like FeedDemon, Newzie does look very nice at first glance. Most feed readers I try are off my computer within 10 minutes. I am going to give this one a good look though. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
Google Reader is an excellent alternative - I have my feeds mirrored there just in case I need to check them when I'm on another PC. However, for someone who has a slow connection (256 kbps) I find an offline app like FeedDemon way more responsive that Google Reader. -nosh (May 28, 2007, 06:12 AM)
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I hadn't considered that, but it seems Google has :) If you check out Google Reader now, it has a new "Offline" button. Apparently (I haven't tried it yet) it downloads the last 2,000 entries for offline reading.
This is obviously not good(TM) -iphigenie (May 20, 2007, 09:44 AM)
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In order to understand what y'all are saying, this not-an-English-man (: being me) will from time to time need to ask for explanations, please. This "TM" suffix I have made bold in iphigenie's post , what does it say? Not what they taught me in school, I guess?
Lightweight alternatives to FeedDemon
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