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how to tag files in win XP



Reasonable and simple.
It'll need WDS to find the tags later, though.

Nice find, but impractical to set up for me, the prospect of tagging each individual file is too scary. This is just begging for a little app for "tagging" multiple files (all files within a folder, for example)

Krazy Hawaiian:
All I can say is try Thumbs Plus. It is the best of everything I've tried. Fast and has all the features mentioned and a few more.

It's not very big either about 16Mb although the install will grow as it generates thumbs in the db which you have total control over as to compression size and what not. It's been around many years (since 1994) and getting well developed.

I happen to know the owner/creator Phillip Crews we played Half Life on his server for many years. :)

if you are willing to install a program, this post is what you want:

I've personally corresponded with the author of Tag2Find - it is in beta and he's sending out invitations to beta testers. It looks really good to me. YMMV.



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