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List of disc catalogers
I've been using Whereisit for years. I use it to catalog my hd backups, and my current HDs. I also use it to catalog every cd and dvd I've burned. So far I've used it to catalog over 4500 cds. I can load ALL those catalogs and search through them and in a matter of minutes locate almost anything I want from a font file to a game executable I played 12 years ago.
It's stable, fast, and the author keeps it up to date all the time. I paid for it about ten years ago and have had to pay for an upgrade only once. The thing has so many neat bells and whistles that it would be worthy of an in depth review if someone (not me) had the time to do it.
It searches inside archive files (or not), comes with tons of customizable file-type filters, and indexes across networks, etc.
But most of all it is ELEGANTLY coded. The program settings and features are logical, well organized, and accessible.
If I were teaching a utility-writing class at a university, I would use this program above all others to demonstrate how it should be done.
Please note that I am writing this from the perspective of an END USER not a coder. I do not code. But with 22 years of daily computer use behind me, I can tell when I have fallen in love with a program that is worthy of recommendation.
For those that care about this kind of thing...the program was written in Delphi.
Thanks for reading this.
Peter McGovern
for me, it used be a toss-up between Disclib and CD Bank Cataloguer but both seem to have moved into abandonware zone.. ;)
tks to you, there seems to be some serious alternatives. good work, tomos.. :up:
cheers Lanux128 :)
Peter, that sounds very good (WhereIsIt)
I'm in the market myself for a programme (how i started on this thread ..)
I guess i should have a closer look.
I know a couple of DCers chose WhereIsIt after a bit of debate in this thread Re: Your experiences with disc catalogers and most wanted/used features
If you get a chance have a look at the last post there, there's some comments about version 3.73
It's up to 3.83 now so it would be interesting to hear your opinion on the comments there ..
I am, for several years, in the lookout of a cataloger with indexing capability (something similar to the desktop search tools). I use X1 for indexing my desktop. Unfortunately, it does not support disc spooling. Any recommendations
Bits du Jour ( has an upcoming discount on WinCatalog ( - DC forum search reveals no mention of this cataloger - does anyone have experience with it?
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