News and Reviews > Mini-Reviews by Members
List of disc catalogers
I only want to mention that I sent an updated version of the disc-cataloger-list 4 months ago to tomos - he know´s the right way to update the list here. In the meanwhile I´ve updated it again. Some of the old entries have been updated and there are new entries... it´s still growing. I also sent a benchmark-list to him for a release (comparison of the searching speeds of different programs and different versions of some programs - some are getting slower and slower like WhereIsIt?).
Btw.: Ups... Sorry, I collected and tested Camel Disc Catalog in the past but forgot to include it in the list (or lost it somehow?). It impressed me with some new features no other cataloger offers.
I only want to mention that I sent an updated version of the disc-cataloger-list 4 months ago to tomos - he know´s the right way to update the list here. In the meanwhile I´ve updated it again.
I also sent a benchmark-list to him for a release
-Crush (February 11, 2009, 07:14 AM)
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could you send me the updated version Crush and I'll try get it done before you update it again ;)
I knew this would be a problem eventually:-
* lack of time - it's actually a hugely time consuming job to make any more than minor changes to that list;
* lack of interest: I only started this cause I was researching one for myself - it's hard to keep the motivation going almost two years later.
Initially the idea was discussed of a wiki or posts that would be updateable by more than one person but I guess that's the limitation of having something like this in a forum ... if anyone has any creative ideas about this please speak now :)
Ok, I send you the actual list during the next week (I take a short look on it before).
Initially the idea was discussed of a wiki or posts that would be updateable by more than one person but I guess that's the limitation of having something like this in a forum
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Let´s all get admins!
40% discount on SoftCat until the end of March (thanks to dc member MrZebulon)
that works out @ just under $18 or less than €16
find it in the forum (only accessible to supporting members) under:
Special User Sections > Shareware Discounts for Members > Shareware Discount Codes Here
SoftCAT is a powerful database program designed to help you organize your software inventory.
I see Jim is using it and Tinjaw recommends it
... I am doing fine with SoftCAT Plus for my installed software catalog/database ...-J-Mac (November 18, 2008, 10:42 PM)
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40% discount on SoftCat until the end of March (thanks to dc member MrZebulon)
that works out @ just under $18 or less than €16
find it in the forum (only accessible to supporting members) under:
Special User Sections > Shareware Discounts for Members > Shareware Discount Codes Here
SoftCAT is a powerful database program designed to help you organize your software inventory.
I see Jim is using it and Tinjaw recommends it
... I am doing fine with SoftCAT Plus for my installed software catalog/database ...-J-Mac (November 18, 2008, 10:42 PM)
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-tomos (February 27, 2009, 07:22 AM)
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I am already using SoftCAT - very nice program!
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