Other Software > Found Deals and Discounts
Power Desk 6 Pro, half prize until Friday
I know the feeling... I've been tempted to pick up PowerDesk for my work computer, but now that I can use DOpus from my USB drive, there is no reason to use anything else.
One of the use I like from Power Desk is the easy encrypting and decrypting of files using icons on the toolbar. It is a relatively simple explorer replacement to use and does not require hours of training.
... exemplifies the expression: "I'm saving so much money I'm going broke"!
-Darwin (May 31, 2007, 08:06 AM)
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tell me..
-Curt (May 31, 2007, 08:17 AM)
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Sorry, Curt, hadn't noticed this request for clarification when it was posted. The expression means that one spends all of their money on items that are on sale! You know how it is when you go into a grocery store to buy milk and bread and you walk out with three bags of junk food because it was all on sale? Money that you didn't intend to spend, spent on items you didn't need in the first place. So, by jumping at all of the money saving offeres ("saving money") you wind up spending all of your money and thus break your bank ("go broke").
Hope that's clear...
Just FYI - this discount is still active. Verified (though didn't purchase! See posts above) today.
Just FYI - this discount is still active. Verified (though didn't purchase! See posts above) today.
-Darwin (August 23, 2007, 12:14 PM)
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Holy smokes, Batman! I just noticed the "File Finder" entry in my context menu and put it through its paces. Wow! It's PowerDesk Pro 6's search feature. -Darwin (March 16, 2008, 11:05 AM)
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