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roboform2go or sticky password?

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Carol Haynes:
Note as standard Roboform2Go is $19.95 if you buy it after buying the pro version of RoboForm. I still haven't bitten the bullet - but I should really!

Like others RoboForm is the major reason I won't consider using Opera - RF is simply brilliant at what it does - I couldn't live without it.

I didn't like what I heard of RoboForm's business model, with online activation on specific computers (correct me if I'm wrong.) 
-rjbull (November 14, 2007, 03:59 AM)
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Yes, you must activate it over the web with the RoboForm server.  I remember being worried about this initially (like what if the company went away)....but I've since forgotton about that.  I view that as a necessary evil in order for a software company to protect their intellectual property.  OK....maybe not necessary but if I were selling software, I'd likely consider a similar approach so for me, not a showstopper.

rjbull: The activation is one time, and takes about 30 seconds. Yes, it does suck that you have to activate, but its a small measure compared to larger corporations which require this, a 25 character key, a hardware hash, a credit card number (last 4), and your email address to activate the product (ala adobe/macromedia).

Roboform and Roboform2go are the best products of their kind and I recommend them whenever I can. I own 4 licenses, two fixed, 1 portable and 1 palm. Great product.

Yes, you must activate it over the web with the RoboForm server.  I remember being worried about this initially (like what if the company went away)....but I've since forgotton about that.  I view that as a necessary evil in order for a software company to protect their intellectual property.
-johnfdeluca (November 14, 2007, 08:36 AM)
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Well, other companies are concerned about their intellectual property, but don't make you jump through so many hoops.  If they are going to take that approach, it would be nice if they had some kind of escrow system in case they do go under; not likely in their case, but a good principle.  Is there any kind of Web service anywhere that does that?

@Josh: turns out I own two fixed licenses and one portable (DC discount) and never activated any of them   :-[

Well, other companies are concerned about their intellectual property, but don't make you jump through so many hoops.  -rjbull (November 14, 2007, 09:21 AM)
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Not trying to be argumentative, but I really don't think they make you jump thru so many hoops....just one hoop which is quick, easy and painless. 


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