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roboform2go or sticky password?

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Yes, I ran out of activations (I think its around 10 per license) once. I contacted them about it and asked for more and they reset my count. It took about 2 hours for them to reply.

OK, so they behave honourably regarding (re)activation.  That's good to know.

Phew - you Roboform zealots fans are almost as keen as FARR fans!   :P

I am always willing to defend a fine piece of software. I am not saying RF is without flaws, by all means its far from flawless, but it does its job well and the bugs encountered are a rarity. Please, dont confuse liking a product with zealotism. After all, we are all not ZRidling and willing to jump down anyone's throat for saying anything remotely negative about a prodcut they like.

Ditto - I had the same experience as Josh. Regarding the free version, yes, you are limited to 10 passcards but you can load your passcards 10 at a time and convert them to a different format (assuming that you can no longer activate the pro version because they've gone out of business or something). I have 327 passcards, so this would be a major PIA. I *suppose* I should be backing the data up to a different format as a backup...

OK, but bear in mind that extreme enthusiasm is difficult to distinguish from zealotry to passers-by...

Please take a look at this thread Auto browser open, form field fill batch script - I assume this is what Roboform does well, even if the OP wanted a different solution.


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