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Tools to enable vitual teams to connect and collaborate


Interesting article on online office collaboration tools that allow virtual teams to work together despite being physically separated

It's 2007 and no longer do startup employees, or even those of medium-size and large companies, need to be located in the same place. Instead, more and more companies are going virtual. The answer to long commutes, inner city traffic, tapping into creative minds in other geographies and combating global warming is: a 'work from home' policy.
But in order for working from home to be effective, certain things need to be in place. The most critical is technology - a set of tools, along with the infrastructure, that can replace the traditional office...

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Interesting article on online office collaboration tools that allow virtual teams to work together despite being physically separated
-KenR (March 02, 2007, 08:30 AM)
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The way you put it, it sounds like it's not an option for siamese twins ;)


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