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Any 'print as printerfriendly page' automatizer?
...But maybe you all never have to print such a page that won't stay inside the margens in the final print. Maybe I'm the only one?
...-Curt (February 18, 2007, 07:27 AM)
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No, iam too have to print such "wide" sides.
The quickeds way (beneath FireFox add-ons to remove unwanted parts) is to change the print layout to landscape.
(for longer sides with a lot of pages.. i print to PDF ...and then i print this PDF to both sides of the papers)
I didn't check the print feature when I had Opera, but I is a fine browser, and of course I don't mind the pictures being printed; they are probably part of the story.
However, I'm not thinking about all the pages that are well constructed, but about the pages that seems not to be have written well; pages that don't give nice readable prints, no matter if you are using one or the other browser. I have been sadly surprised many times by the difference in Preview and actual print.
-Curt (February 17, 2007, 07:16 PM)
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I'm jumping from browser to browser at the moment but I've never had trouble printing stuff with Opera (which I used a couple of years) - but on the other hand I couldn't even tell you if a page is well constructed or not :-\
It might be the thing that brings me back to it :-*
The quickest way is to change the print layout to landscape.
(for longer sides with a lot of pages.. i print to PDF ...and then i print this PDF to both sides of the papers)
-AbteriX (February 18, 2007, 01:55 PM)
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Yeah, you may be right. Only, I find this solution disappointingly low-tec'ed.
I couldn't even tell you if a page is well constructed or not
-tomos (February 18, 2007, 02:15 PM)
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Nor can I, except maybe for the 'print all inside margens only' part...
Is it anything to do with non-standard paper sizes like 'letter' ?
Hey katykaty. No, I did check the standard size as well. To the best of my guessing it has to do with people not keeping standards when writing the pages, but I don't know.
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