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Why Miranda might blow you away (do you use IRC, ICQ, AIM, Yahoo,
Hm, actually it does seem like Miranda has some support for custom emoticons - check <installpath>\MSN\CustomSmiley after having a conversation with someone that used some custom emotes.
Now, how to get them displayed in the conversation...
And I'm happy that Miranda doesn't do any text formatting, that's a plus for me :)
-f0dder (February 07, 2007, 06:43 AM)
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I concur whole-heartedly; plain-text only for me as well. I've been using Miranda for several years (since it was an ICQ-only clone) with minimal issues.
And the memory usage investigation continues. Josh's very low memory usage values were because he uses a more recent Process Explorer than I do, and only looked at the "Physical memory" status. So, I upgraded to PE10.21, and did a little investigation. I also confirmed that trillian indeed does do the SetProcessWorkingSetSize() hack - setting breakpoints in OllyDebug shows the following:
toolkit.3401C411 - on startup
toolkit.3401B7AC - on minimize
The mem stats are right before the initial SetProcessWorkingSetSize() call during startup phase, right after, and right after the process has "recovered":
Why Miranda might blow you away (do you use IRC, ICQ, AIM, Yahoo, Miranda might blow you away (do you use IRC, ICQ, AIM, Yahoo, Miranda might blow you away (do you use IRC, ICQ, AIM, Yahoo,
Just for fun, I whipped up a little utility for trimming other processes, and ran it on Miranda. This is a bit less precise than with trillian, since the process isn't in a suspended state, but it still gives normal-use, right-after-trim, recovery-after-trim:
Why Miranda might blow you away (do you use IRC, ICQ, AIM, Yahoo, Miranda might blow you away (do you use IRC, ICQ, AIM, Yahoo, Miranda might blow you away (do you use IRC, ICQ, AIM, Yahoo,
All this shows what?
1) trillian uses dirty tricks to camouflage it's memory usage
2) trillian does, in fact, use more memory than miranda
PS: this is still with miranda logged on to msn+icq, trillian not connected. Memory usage is expected to rise a bit more if I actually log on with trillian.
Memory size tactics aside, trillian still performs, handles, and generally is more responsive on my system. So, as I said in the IRC channel, I dont care what methods a program uses to lower its memory usage, the fact that it uses little RAM, paging lesser used routines and data to disk, is still a big plus to me. Trillian is very responsive, doesnt require a lot of configuration to get things running in a method which is pleasing and easy to use, and runs very fast on my system. Yes, the startup might take a couple of seconds more, however, as I've said in this thread, I dont look at this as a negative being that I have to restart miranda several times a day due to crashes so totalling up the startup time of the crash experiences to the startup time of trillian puts miranda at a big disadvantage.
But anyways, to each their own. If you want something that just works, and supports more of the features of the official clients, then trillian is better for you. If you want a very minimalistic approach, with gobs of configuration options, then choose miranda.
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