Software > Screenshot Captor
Improve Request: allow an back slash in file name to create folders
If this is easily possible for you
i want to suggest to create new folders with an backslash \ in the file name.
[ Name: ] field
i have "Screenshot - 19_08_2005"
i want to add "Test\" bevor "Screenshot - 19_08_2005"
to create an new folder "Test" in my current Folder
and save this file there (or save in the existend folder "Test").
(or even an full path like "D:\this\is\an\Test" ??? )
[File Name QuickField]
i want to add "D:\Screenshots\Browser\Opera_%num%"
to autom. create an new folder or save the pics in an existend folder
The ratio between [Name] field and [File Name QuickField] field
in the main window should be alterable if one needs more space for the QuickField.
(on the otherhand: Since the QuickFiels is more static it's not so needful.)
You know, just suggestions.
great idea about saving filename directory - very in keeping with the screenshot captor approach which is designed to let you rename stuff.
also its a very clever idea also as a way of automatically saving files in subdirectories.
the only problem i see is the file browser - should it change to the directory where you save the file? and then you wouldn't see other screenshots in the main directory.. but if you don't change to the new directory, then the program migh have a hard time keeping track of what file you are working on since it wouldn't be visible.. i think i would have to make it change directories - but then the user might get lost and not know how to get back.
perhaps the MoveTo menu needs to somehow support both moving files to certain directories and also switching to certain directories? not sure how it should present that option to the user.
the only problem i see is the file browser
- should it change to the directory where you save the file?-mouser (August 19, 2005, 10:14 AM)
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.... but if you don't change to the new directory,
then the program migh have a hard time keeping track of what file you are working on
since it wouldn't be visible..
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> migh have a hard time keeping track
I didn't understand this.
I mean it is the same as you would use "Save as.." or "Send to..."
There you switch not to the save directory, too, isn't it ?
i think i would have to make it change directories
- but then the user might get lost and not know how to get back.
--- End quote ---
> but then the user might get lost
I think so too.
I think we have an working directory (set in the properties)
and that's the default folder for the thumpnails i see.
If user want to see there current save dir (from Name field) they go there on there own.
I think "path \ filename" is a feature only for advanced users
since i know how people "get lost" with there files :)
User how didn't understand this way mustn't use this.
Maybe there mustn't be an hint in the help (or only a little)
so only user with experience use this behaviour.
perhaps the MoveTo menu needs to somehow support both
moving files to certain directories
and also switching to certain directories?
not sure how it should present that option to the user.
--- End quote ---
> perhaps the MoveTo menu needs ... also switching to certain directories
No, why ?
If you save in WORD you didn't switch there too.
For "normal" users may the standard Screenshot folder be enought.
If you want this however
you could f.ex. make an check box
in this "Move to..." dialog box
that say "open in Explorer"
Just as reminder:
- "Move to..." miss the [New Folder] button
(- is there an need for anyone to COPY instead of MOVE ?)
- "Create new folder here" didn't ask for an name
was is no realy matter since we could use F2.
May I say this is an realy good screen cature tool ?
Now even the arrows and text and here we go :)
Have you now enought features and 'user-friendliness' or do you wanna collect more ?
keep the ideas coming :)
the problem is that it would be moving the file, so the file would dissapear if its not in the current directory, and you would lose it from view immediately, so it might be confusing. as you say it might be a tool just for advanced users so maybe i can just add it quietly :)
Carol Haynes:
How about a "Move to ... " option that includes a customisable favourite locations list (perhaps a bit like the save boxes in MS Office - with folders down the left and files in the main save location). It would save anyone getting lost then ...
You could also have a "Jump to ..." version for jumping folder to folder, and a "Get from ..." for moving images back to the current location.
This would have the advantage that the thumbnail view could be simplified considerably as it would no longer have to be navigable.
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