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Your experiences with disc catalogers and most wanted/used features
I use and am happy with Advanced Disk Catalog.
Home page is here, with a trial version on offer:
Currently it's looking after > 116,000 entries for me.
I've used it for years to keep track of stuff that "I might need one day." :)
It's fast and has never let me down.
@rjbull :up:
I already planned to import description files like .diz. I knew nothing about pad-files. This is really very interesting to check for software-updates! I thaught about looking somehow by ftp- or other search-engines for new versions of specified programs. That´s a great hint! I´ll check the features and bench CatDisk for my list.
I tested Advanced Disc Cataloger 1.51 as you can see in my last post. The speed and features are ok. 116.000 Entries are not very much. Even my drive F: (Sourcecode, docs, manuals and coding utils) contains more files. I expect several millions in a bigger collection - and a search in an amount of 20.000.000 files could be a real problem for Adc (because of the amount of data that has to be kept in memory).
A former version of it is by the way a few times faster in searching:
128622 - 42874 - 4764 -> ADC 1.43
82625 - 13771 - 648 -> ADC 1.51
They became quite slow in newer releases.
Perhaps you have the time to answer some questions?
For what kind of data do you use it?
How often and which way are you searching?
Do you look at pictures in the preview, look for ID3-Tags for music, type in filetype and a part of the name to search for software?
Is there something useful missing or disturbing in the program?
The search behaviour of users is very important for me to know because of the program and data-design.
I tested Advanced Disc Cataloger 1.51 as you can see in my last post.
--- End quote ---
I apologize, Crush, for some reason I failed to notice it in your list or I'd not have responded.
For what kind of data do you use it?
File names
How often and which way are you searching?
Once every couple of months, simple wildcard searches
Do you look at pictures in the preview, look for ID3-Tags for music, type in filetype and a part of the name to search for software?
Pictures, no; tags, no; filename wildcards, yes.
Is there something useful missing or disturbing in the program?
Yes, it's clumsy to catalogue an individual folder as a volume. If I want to do that (for peculiar reasons of my own, such as writing manageable chunks in DVD-sized collections) I first have to mount the folder as a volume.
I used to use ADC (Advanced Disk Catalog from Elcomsoft) but switched to CD Catalog Expert because it's got a cleaner interface, shows systems icons related to files, and MOST importantly, lets me add categories in the tree (ADC doesn't). one mentioned Advanced File Organizer, another excellent program.
:down: CD Catalog Expert 9 has been listed and is veeery veeery slooooow. It´s senseless for quick searches within bigger databases.
1102 - 1074 - 60 CD Catalog Expert 9
The last number (60) means: Searching in Databases with about 165000 entries manages only 60 files for checking and listing per second! You can watch a serial or a short film before you can take a look at the results, because you have 45 minutes (2747 seconds in detail) spare time and no CPU power free during the search.
I tested Advanced File Cataloger 2.61 and can tell you that this one is the fastest of the better ones (nice optics/features) and the 2nd placed after Haxial´s. Only the memory-usage is like all others quite high.
1024216 - 931105 - 93111 Advanced File Organizer V2.61 b490
The fastest in the list is now the (in my opinion) uncomfortable and functionally extremly simple program "Haxial Disc Catalog". The development seems to be stopped after version 1.3. Users tried to contact the authors several times and got no answer.
2500000 - 500000 - 125000 Haxial Disc Catalog V1.3
Is it really so important to see the system-icons in the result list? You don´t have any advantage if you search for a specified filetype (in most cases you know this before starting the search).
Could you also please answer the 4 questions of the previous posting?
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