Software > DesktopCoral
Help!!! Cannot change settings once in transparency mode
do NOT do a system restore.
there is no reason to do that.
if the program is killed unusually, it's possible that the space will be reserved until the next reboot.
so just reboot your computer -- there is absolutely no reason to do a system restore, and nothing permanently changed in the system by this program.
well, i tried doing some system restores, it wouldnt let me. and as of now i suddenly have no restore points, so thats no longer an option anyway.
I guess that somewhere during start up , something that makes the top space still load, is still functioning.or whatever settings desktop coral changed is stil in effect? even though its uninstalled! i already reinstalled it several times and disabled docking etc but that doesnt effect the top blank spot, all it does is make a new one under it, the top one is uncontrollable and i just want to get rid of it. all i want at this stage is my desktop back to normal. any idea what i should be looking for or where? thanks.
oh yeah and all this is when coral is already undocked and exited,and uninstalled ( the program folder is even empty) and the system restarted! so obviously something is still stuck in there somewhere. any help will be MUCH appreciated!
i hope you can help me out as i dont look forward to having a permanent gap at the top of my screen :(
ok, this is weird, better, but weird. When i shut down samurize, i get the top of my screen back, but when i start samurize again, it starts but with that big gap again, hmmmm, any ideas? i might back up my samurize settings and reinstall samurize maybe?
anyway, thanks for bearing with me, this is a really good program if it will work right for me :)
well i solved it, i switched samurize to "pin to desktop(compatible mode)" then back to regular " pin to desktop mode" and all is ok.
sorry about all the multiple postings, just letting you know how it went and hopefully my posts might help someone else.
this is a really cool little program you got, sorry it didnt go down well with my system for whatever reasons though, keep up the good work. :):up:
Well I really appreciate you following up and letting us know how you solved the problem.
Far too often I find that I search on the web for some issue, find some forum thread about it, and find that the original poster never posts how the issue was eventually solved or resolved, etc. And it's extremely frustrating.
So it's really nice that you took the time to post the solution, for the next person who comes along and experiences the same thing :up:
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