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password-protect external HD (USB)?

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as some of you noticed in, I'm currently looking for an external HD. Is there a way to password-protect the content? Like that I would need to enter a password before Windows is able to really access the drive after I reconnect it?

It doesn't have to be CIA-proof (although that's never bad ;D), I'm just considering putting a backup HD in the hands (or drawer) of a friend or neighbor (in case my flat burns down to the ground) and don't want him to read all of my files.

If I'm not mistaken, that is why NTFS was created?  If you're using a NTFS formatted drive that should be all you need? 

If I'm not mistaken, that is why NTFS was created?  If you're using a NTFS formatted drive that should be all you need? 
-Farmsteader (January 20, 2007, 07:06 AM)
--- End quote ---
Err... I have no idea! That's why I'm asking 8)

(I read that NTFS supports passwords, but have no idea how that works in real life... nor do I know how secure that is)

What about a non-technical solution, like putting the external hdd in a small fireproof box.  They all come with keys which AFAIK must be locked to stay closed.  That way you wouldn't have to answer any, "what, you don't trust me" kind of questions.

Can you get a external that is already formatted NTFS?  AFAIK, NTFS would be secure.

Thanks, that makes sense!

The HD I'll get will be NTFS-formatted already, I just need a guide regarding how I'd enable password protection. With pictures if possible :D


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