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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

wanted: quiet external HD (case) (not wanted: crying children)

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If you have motherboard support for it, I'd get an eSATA enclosure... faster & more stable than usb/firewire stuff.

I'd buy an IDE/SATA enclosure that plugs in via USB. That will allow you to use any drive as "hot-swappable."
-Deozaan (January 18, 2007, 04:53 PM)
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Are there cases that offer a good noise level and at the same time grant easy access to the HD?
That way I could use another old HD in the same case at a different time.

If you have motherboard support for it, I'd get an eSATA enclosure... faster & more stable than usb/firewire stuff.
-f0dder (January 18, 2007, 05:53 PM)
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No, my PC is too old for that. Hmm... I never even consciously heard "eSATA" being mentioned anywhere.

What model would accompany my quiet PC ( perfectly? Price is important, but silence too.
-brotherS (January 18, 2007, 07:22 AM)
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I didn't look at your system, but I have been pretty happy with a 250GB Western Digital MyLife. While I pointed you to NewEgg (which I highly recommend for buying PC stuff) I got mine from Dell with a 30% off coupon that I had. It ended up being too cheap to pass up. I initially considered just buying a hard drive and an external enclosure but decided not to mess with it. I do need to get another (that way I can have one off-site backup at all times) but not sure which direction I will go yet. Of course, my first pass at research is to order products at NewEgg by reviews and see which ones have really good reviews.

nobody mentioned the fact that the baby's shirt is sooooooo wrong....
babies need huggles and kisses just like you guys do when you are upset with your puters

Dell[a] has a point.   :)


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