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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

poll: how old are you?

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That's called aging and is nothing to get overly anxious about. 8)
-brotherS (January 18, 2007, 02:42 AM)
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Oh! Phew!  :-[

Hey! no discrimination here!  We're all older than we want to be and younger than we need to be... er, ... or is it the other way around?

Hey! no discrimination here!  We're all older than we want to be and younger than we need to be... er, ... or is it the other way around?
-Farmsteader (January 18, 2007, 03:40 AM)
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I'm being told that my thinking capabilities are ahead of my official age, and that my how-old-I-look-looks are years behind. I like that. 8)

May you continue to like it as the years roll on!

speaking of which, has no one clicked anything yet.. i can't see a 'view results' button.. :)


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