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SuperboyAC's DC blog #1
i agree with all of the targets of your rage :)
Why can't they settle on some standard easily rechargeable battery sizes.. why do we have to do this dance with 1000 dif proprietary batteries. this idea of non-replaceable batteries seems outrageous to me, and it's the kind of stuff apple just loves to wallow in; it's one of the reasons i never trust apple.
i hope we soon get to a point where these players dont use internal storage, and can all standardize on a nice memory card type thing that can hold a few hundred gigabytes. then you could just insert your music collection into a tiny little thumbnail and go jogging, or into a larger video-enabled thing for a long trip.
-mouser (January 12, 2007, 09:03 PM)
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I agree mouser on all points. I actually think SOny has it almost right with the minidisc. They use their proprietary gumstick battery (which is fine because it's easily replaceable), but the players also come with a little attachment that can hold regular AA batteries, so it's a very flexible mix. But, yes it would help a lot if they could come up with a standard, small-form, lithium battery that uses the latest technology. But the battery business is a finicky one. Similar issues arose with the electric vehicle batteries and that technology. So I don't know.
Well, I find SonicStage really annoying!
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Yeah, I have to use SonicStage also. It's crap. At least they removed the DRM restrictions. I've always said and will continue to say, Sony comes up with the greatest and coolest technology, and they always find a way to somehow ruin it with the implementation of it, whether it's software, restrictions, whatever. Very frustrating.
I'm not quite in agreement with this blog post.
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OK, jgpaiva, you caught me! I initially wrote this blog just to experiment with mouser's new blog writing idea, and I just wrote about the first thing that popped into my head. I knew someone would eventually question me on the details (I admit I haven't kept up with this technology that much). I kind of was aware that some of these players are a little more flexible or they have been hacked with some 3rd-party software that makes them easier to use. You got me! Also, about thos ipod batteries, if you search google, you'll find that it's not that difficult to replace the batteries yourself and it doesn't seem to cost more than $40, but I've never tried it.
superboyac, i think your mustache is brilliant. you should wear it more often.
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Haha. That picture of me went around work and ended up in our end-of-year slideshow. What's worse is that I made the whole thing myself! I guess I'll do anything for a laugh.
FWIW - When I saw the picture the very charisma of it just made me smile! It was infectious. I even showed my Wife, she smiled too! :):)
FWIW - When I saw the picture the very charisma of it just made me smile! It was infectious. I even showed my Wife, she smiled too! :):)
-Farmsteader (January 13, 2007, 06:53 PM)
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Awesome! Mission accomplished!
I know nothing about mp3 players - always hated wearing earphones ...
but this about gapless recording of continuous albums may be of interest to people here. (There's updates towards the top of the page)
Most MP3 players cannot play albums; do you care?
The MP3 format has inherent flaws which, unless worked around, mean it cannot move seamlessly from one track to the next without adding silence or at least a click. Some players (and encoders) address these problems and perfect gapless playback is possible with MP3 but, rather than address these problems, the majority of MP3 players, both hardware and software, actually make things worse by inserting additional silence of their own.
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