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DC Forum Post Notifier Lite (a.k.a. Pop-Up Cody) - v1.1.6 - May 21, 2007

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I don't experience this either, but I'm using the original version posted on 1-1.  BTW - Great app!
-Farmsteader (January 02, 2007, 09:38 AM)
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I might have been too hysterical. :) I think it only happens when editing a formula in Excel.

Arjen, I have always thought that if something produced that kind of reation, it would best be left undisturbed. 

... then again, I have duplicated similar traits when working with Excel too!

Can you set up a [CTRL]+[Spacebar] or [ALT]+[Spacebar] to immediately clear the slide?  In my continued use of your app all day long, that is something that would really be helpful!  :Thmbsup:

Can you set up a [CTRL]+[Spacebar] or [ALT]+[Spacebar] to immediately clear the slide?  In my continued use of your app all day long, that is something that would really be helpful!  :Thmbsup:
-Farmsteader (January 02, 2007, 05:35 PM)
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Sure! I'm on it! Also will upload a new test version in 30 mins and hope you guys will help me out on this weird grabbing focus issue.  ;)

btw, ctrl+spacebar is also used by mouser's FARR, but hey it's official hotkey is Pause/Break, right?  ;D


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