Software > N.A.N.Y. Challenge 2007
Smile Inducer 2007 : Project Withdrawn - January 10, 2007
I still think the idea of a program to keep you motivated / smiling is really nice.
Edit: Uh... mouser posted about the same as I did simultaneously, so... me too!
Yeah, well the source to this one belongs here.
The best part of the code wasn't even contributed by me. In an effort to get it done on time I asked a friend to help with the javascript for the page it loads. He tossed out my code and started that page from scratch.
I am thankful to him for it, but even his best code couldn't make up for the mess I made.
I am embarrassed by this project even more than I am embarrassed by someone submitting this project of mine to Softpedia.
I just want to sweep this one under the rug, take the knowledge I have gained from it, and move on.
I'm sorry to see you folding on this, especially when so many others you know share my sentiment, but I won't attempt to dissuade you from your decision. You know best. I will tell you that you remind me of how I sounded when I rolled my truck (fuel tanker). I was very discouraged. I wish I could have sent that day to the recycle bin because my boss has never spoken to me since that day. Neither I nor anyone else was hurt, but once I my boss realized this things were heated. I was actually pretty disappointed because he was such a wonderful owner to work for and I hated messing up his day... and his truck. I sure could have used your app that day!
Okay, I know you said you don't need words of encouragement ... but . . . we don't want you to get discouraged and stop with your great apps (well, maybe it's okay to rest). Nobody ever did anything great without making mistakes - and having the courage to admit it yada-yada-yada. :-*
I already removed the file attached to the original post, so there will be no more downloads. I am not embarrassed about pulling it or my reasons, so I will leave my post as is.
I am also going to leave the screenshot to make it easier to identify it, if you have already downloaded it and feel like deleting it.
As far as functionality, I am going to leave the page the app loads on my server till 2008, and might add a few more pics to it for those that decide to keep running it, for whatever reason. The brave shouldn't be punished. :P
Okay, I know you said you don't need words of encouragement ... but . . . we don't want you to get discouraged and stop with your great apps (well, maybe it's okay to rest). Nobody ever did anything great without making mistakes - and having the courage to admit it yada-yada-yada. :-*
-momonan (January 10, 2007, 06:42 AM)
--- End quote ---
Thank you.
I am not discouraged at all and there is no chance of me stopping programming...not on your life. I can't deny what I am on the inside again, and at heart I am a programmer...something I have been all my life, on the inside. And it will only seem like I am resting for a bit. I actually have a lot of things to work on...things to finish & improve. There will be some work done on older projects that need improving.
This isn't the first disaster I have retracted, just the most public one, being it's on a forum. It is much easier when you are sharing your work over p2p to just remove it from your shared files and not even say anything to anybody unless they ask. It's a little tougher to take it back on a forum.
And I know even Thomas Edison made a lot of darkbulbs before the lightbulb, so this is really no big deal in the world of creating things.
and Farmsteader...
Things like trucks can be replaced...they are only things. You can't replace people. I am glad you are still with us to be able to tell the story, and that nobody else was hurt. I am sure your wonderful boss felt the same way about it, even if he may have initially been angry over the whole thing.
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