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cody flash animation pack (walk v01)

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here's a simple flash animation file that can be used for importing into other flash animations - if you'd like to have a walking cody. it's very basic, only a profile view at the moment.

the idea is for it to be used with flash games so consider it a first test file - if anyone feels adventurous and wants something more advanced that they'd like to use in a game then post your suggestions.

i've included an example .swf file walk animation. the zip file contains the .fla that can be edited.

(example animation is at 24fps - the .fla file is set at 12fps.)

heheh sooo cute :)

i can't wait to see a flash game built from this.

a Cody Mug to the first one to make one!

Nice animation... There is a good chance that the animation will be put on my website, linking to (and a credit to nudone)


i'm pleased you like it dhuser. a more 'fluid' version is on the way plus several other animations - or they might be reserved for a special DC project that is being planned.

i see how the example swf file above could be used as a banner though that wasn't really what it is for - if there was a demand for such a thing then i'd create a more well thought out design.


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