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Amazing Conversation on your site
Hello all!
This is my first time on this site.
I would like to tell what I really like the topic this.
I've been reading it for a while, and I have learned so much here.
So, I decided to try my luck asking a few questions...
How can you IM, PM or whatever you call it to certain members? .
I'd like to ask more questions about this project.
By the way, nice domain name
In every post anyone makes there are some icons under their name. The one that looks like a "speech balloon" lets you send them a personal message through the forum.
Several people have emailed me warning me that PolZegerully has been registering and posting this same message at every forum on the web. Guess it's just spam.. Regardless, perhaps others wanted to know how to send a personal message.
And now we wait for the mystery of PolZegerully to be revealed!! Please let us know when he hatches his plot to take over the internets!
Several people have emailed me warning me that PolZegerully has been registering and posting this same message at every forum on the web. Guess it's just spam.. Regardless, perhaps others wanted to know how to send a personal message.
And now we wait for the mystery of PolZegerully to be revealed!! Please let us know when he hatches his plot to take over the internets!
-mouser (December 16, 2006, 10:30 PM)
--- End quote ---
I was suspicious but couldn't see the spam or scam ;)
Try this google search:
Notice in the first 100 results that all of the forum signups were within the last 3 days. Also notice that there was only 1 post made, and it is almost identical to the one here.
I saw the same message from the same username on another forum yesterday and only thought it was odd when I saw it here today.
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