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Other Software > Developer's Corner

What non-programming tools do you use for programming?

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I was wondering what non-programming tools different folks use for programming?  Anything you use to help that is not your IDE or actual coding software is game.

Does a music player count ;) ?

Two very simple things I use is a window and a couch. Sometimes when you know what needs to be done, but not how to do you need to get away from the screen for a bit. I find either staring out a window, or lying down on my back with eyes closed is just what I need to clear my mind and get some proper thinking done.

Yeah I remember learning mind maps in secondary school (or brain storming), lol.

I guess IRC would be a non-programming tool that I use for programming, possibly.. no actually a web browser too  :Thmbsup:

I use a notebook to map out my ideas for the program, and how objects in my program will interact with each other. (going to build a white board so i can easily change my ideas and stuff without wasting paper)

Also when i need to think I pace around my room.

What do I use when I'm programing... Hmmm... Let's see:

1) Beer
2) My bed
3) More beer
4) Books
5) Paper & pen/pencil/marker
6) Whiteboard
7) Even more beer
8 ) My bed again
9) Search engines
10) Whiskey if I don't have any more cold beer (need ice and sometimes coke - VERY RARE)

Well, that's a top 10 I suppose.

Did I mention beer?


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