News and Reviews > Official Announcements
--> Announcing December's Discounts and Giveaways
Another great month of discounts and giveaway, to make your life a little brighter during this holiday season.
Decembers's Special Discounts and Giveaways:
* Tidy Start Menu (50% discount)
* Vista Start Menu (50% discount)
* My Life Organized (50% discount)
* Surfulater (35% discount)
* Direct Access (30% discount)
* Axialis Icon Workshop (discount was last month)
* Real World Icon Editor (discount was last month)
* Microangelo Toolset (discount was last month)
IMPORTANT: The software giveaway this month will end on December 14th, so make sure you submit your entry to win before then. The discounts run throughout all of December.
Big thanks go to all of the authors and companies that have made these generous discounts and giveaways possible - show them some appreciation by checking out their software!
Both Tidy and Vista Start Menu have the the same link?
Edit: Ah...Same developer.
but i still listed wrong url for tidy; thanks corrected now.
Is there any chance of featuring UltraRecall ( at a discount on DonationCoder?
old post but I second this wish as well.
Is there any chance of featuring UltraRecall ( at a discount on DonationCoder?
-LM7 (December 04, 2006, 02:05 PM)
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