Software > Skrommel's Software
MouseAvtivate requests ..
just trying this out and wondered if you could tweak a couple of things:
- move top edge action to right edge (already have a different app using top edge and feels more natural to "oppose" left edge action in your app with right side)
- add delay options for edge actions (can only see these currently for click etc)
let me know what you think ..! ;)
cheers ..
:) User definable edges and actions and delays are all great suggestions!
I am testing your fancy mouse tool at the moment. I really like it so far because I also can use it at work where I can run it just from the desktop without having admin rights!
I have two requests/suggestions/observations to improve it even further!
You could include an item in the options to switch on/off the autoraise/maximizing/minimizing functionality in connection with the taskbar.
Second, when the autoraise delay is below 100 ms, there seems to be some trouble with the right click menu eg. if one wants to use copy and paste or at the flydown-menus on top of the application windows (File Tools View Edit ...).
I hope you will continue to develop this tool!
Greetings, Uli
Hi Skrommel,
I was using tweakui in XP to activate windows (without autoraising), and when I switched to Windows7, I got lost that they have removed this feature, then I landed on your software and it is helping me a lot.
some comments:
- I have installed latest version 1.3, but its about shows it is 1.0, so that is quite confusing as I have thought I installed some previous version and had redownloaded and reinstalled to see that it is still showing 1.0
- PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! if Windows 7 allows it, please remove the auto-raise of the activated window. Just activate it without autoraising it, so that only partially visible window becomes activated and we can do things in that. Currently, it autoraises the window, so that hides all other windows that we have carefully arranged on the screen all over to work simultaneously. As I said, xp had that option in tweak ui if you want to try how i need it to work. w7 doesn't have that and w7 does autoraise the activated window.
- seems your window boundaries measurements are clashing with drag drop of windows. If I am clicking on the title bar of a window and then moving it, or if I am clicking on the left right bottom border of a window and then moving to resize the window, as soon as my mouse moves OUT of the current boundaries of the window I am working on, this software activativates the other window to which the mouse focus has moved, and so drag drop and resize of windows is not taking place, that is a big problem. Seems you should "disable" the activation/ autoraising when mouse is dragging/dropping/ resizing the window.
As the software has not been updated in 5 years, I wonder whether you have lost interest in it, but I write just to show that how much your old creation is still helping many people like me. Please improve it more for new os.
Thanks a gig.
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