Software > The Getting Organized Experiment of 2006
The deadline for this assignment is October 16.
(click to read intro to GOE and all assignments)
take a moments time in the hustle-bustle of Getting Organised and Getting Things Done,
a moment to reflect and contemplate, and yes, you can even meditate if you want :)
Brew a coffee or scald a teapot, put the ol' feet up -
and ask yourself:
"How'm I doing?"
Let it all rattle around there for a while ..
have a look at the questions below,
and then post:
let us know how you're getting on with this project,
- and all the other projects you're supposed to be doing, or, wishing you were doing :)
* How am I getting on ?
* Are you still enthusiastic ?
(If so :up:, about what in particular)
* Have you noticed your old (unhelpful?) ways creeping back in?
* What habits do you find particularly difficult to change?
* Have you actually implemented any new methods in your life, or are you just absorbing the knowledge still?
* Which methods do you find particularly difficult to implement?
* Strengths:
What were you already good at in terms of organisation and getting things done before you started this project?
* Weaknesses:
What were your challenges (i.e. what were you struggling with) when you started this project ?
What has helped you so far to face these challenges ?
What difficulties continue, or have you new "struggles" ?
(Where would you like to be helped)
* What tips so far have you found especially helpful ?
* What has been your most surprising discovery so far -
about getting organized and/or the way you work;
about trying to implement new systems/time management
about yourself (getting personal!),
about life in general (getting philosophical..)
Share! Let us know how you're getting on!
thanks to nudone for half the questions!
Great idea for week six, tomos :up:
Some observations I've made so far about my progress:
1) I've been using a hybrid system where i use index cards to write down every single task i have to do, sorted into folders for Today, Tomorrow, This Week, This Month, Long Term, etc. (I'll be making a long post about my "system" eventually).
2) I've been able to keep to this system very strictly, in that i never do anything that isn't on a card, and whenever i do something i mark it on a card and file it, and following the gtd approach every time i get an idea or new task i write it down so that i don't have to try to remember it.
3) for me, the single most important thing has been not having to try to remember things i have to do. i know that it's all written down, and periodically reviewing the cards is extremely helpfull for me, in avoiding forgetting stuff, but also in being able to see all of my obligations, which helps keep me from wasting time.
4) I still feel like i'm not working as efficiently as I'd like to, and i think the biggest thing missing for me is a more regular work schedule, so i'm going to focus on that for a bit.
5) Overall i've definitely benefitted from this stuff, and the use of this card system is a clear win for me, much better than todo lists ever were, and quite fun to see the completed cards pile up (I have about 125 completed cards since September 1st).
6) Even if i ended up not accomplishing more, the comfort of having a complete list of my tasks is a huge benefit to me and saves me the anxiety of always worrying i am forgetting to do something.
7) I still need to work on getting myself to automatically follow decisions - like not eating junk food, excercising, etc. i still seem to slip into old bad habits in this regard.
8) I'd like us to find a week or two to focus on such stuff, breaking bad habits and avoiding procrastination.
congratulations on your completed card pile, mouser. :Thmbsup: and thanks to tomos for the post.
i'll probably post where i'm at after i've thought about it.
Some of my experiences & discoveries:
* The more productive I try to become, the less productive I really am.
* The more I think about, it the less I do it.
* I am still no good at saying 'no' to other people.
* I am still at my best at getting it done if someone hands it to me at midnight and says "get it done by morning'.
* I am using my post-it software notes more...and setting alarms to remember things....I am not forgetting birthdays or bills...or forgetting to remind other people of stuff.
* My pc is still the only place in my house that's organized...obsessively organized.
* I used to be a lot happier.
* I feel like I am trying to be someone else. I miss being me.
* I can't remember how I used to do it...and it's depressing me.
* I have always done things my way, never liked doing them someone else's way. I feel like I have become a slave driver to myself and doing some serious rebelling at the same time....which is why nothing is getting done.
* I feel like I have lost a lot of my creativity and enthusiasm I used to have.
I have to stop this....It was a mistake. Comparing before this started to now, I was better off back in August.
Maybe I was already doing things right...for me...and maybe I screwed it all up.
I can understand the struggles nudone is going through...and the emotions it is stirring up...I feel it too...and I didn't used to.
Well, I'm still fairly :) enthusiastic -
even though I would say the progress has been slow, it has been steady.
The/my successes have been:
The Current Initiative: I really enjoy doing this every morning. I find its a great way to break myself gently into the day!
And, the organisation of the paper workspace. See this thread.
Also, I'm using "Baby" index cards (3" x 2") for getting ideas down - I check them every day & add selected to a Will-do List for the following day, or to ToDoList programme (still a bit unsure here)
I print an A4 modified "Daykeeper" from (A5 template at) 43 folders & have some of my will/want to do list pre-printed on it
At this stage I can see it's the time management thing thats slow to change for me (or should i say: for me to change)
To that end I wrote a list that I try to "practice" (at least a little more) everyday. (I'm concentrating on my weak points here)
End of the day
Use "Daykeeper", write Will-do List.
Plan the (following) day
Beginning of the day
Current Initiative
Plan first 2 hour stint in datail.
(set physical alarm or set Instant Boss "cycle" to 2hrs)
Report on your 1st 2hrs. (Any behaviour you'ld like to reject? Chuck it out the window! Start again!)
Plan next 2 hours
Start something new, then take a break!
Dont forget to cross things off the list when done.
Give yourself points a la Forster (one point for each thing on list that gets done, provided everything on list is done)-My "encourage me" list
--- End quote ---
thats it at the mo,
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