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IDEA: Why do unzip apps have to be so complicated?
Well, even when I disabled Windows Explorer in the DEP settings, DEP is still intercepting Windows Explorer when running Smart Unpack with 2 files.
Better stay away from Smart Unpack then, sounds like it's buggy... unless it's in fact another explorer extension bugging out.
I had all sorts of DEP problems in XP, this is not something just related to this application.
Weird, I've never had a DEP problem... and I do have it enabled, and I do have NX-bit hardware. And... oops. Just realized I only had NX turned on for essential services >_<
Anyway, if a program crashes with NX enabled, it's doing stuff that it shouldn't really be doing. I'll try enabling for all programs now, and see how things go :) (I expect some compressors and game protections to fail).
Hope I'm not asking for too much.-skywalka (August 03, 2007, 04:40 AM)
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Not really... Your questions motivated me look at the source again and I made a new version. See my answer below.
SmartUnpack is just a tiny helper tool and not meant to replace a full-featured archiving utility. So associating it with "open" isn't a smart thing to do. It's best as secondary action. So, if I double-click a RAR file, Winrar opens. But if I right-click I get the option to process it with SmartUnpack. I've associated SmartUnpack with "zip" and "rar".
IDEA: Why do unzip apps have to be so complicated?
IDEA: Why do unzip apps have to be so complicated?
IDEA: Why do unzip apps have to be so complicated?
Selecting several files and "opening" them via the context menu is not supported. If you want to process more than one file, start SmartUnpack and drag the files in the GUI. At least, that's the idea.
But I just tested it, and I don't know who to blame... Autohotkey or Windows, but my "one instance only" setting gets totally ignored. I tried reproducing your error with unpacking 16 files, but I just got 16 Winrar instances (15 waiting, one unpacking, and so on) but no error. I've no idea how to fix that, so just don't unpack more than one file via context menu.
Anyway, hope you still enjoy.
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