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IDEA: Why do unzip apps have to be so complicated?
I have tried the new version with 7zip support and I love it. I installed 7Zip and disabled the "integrate in shell context menu" option, so it would not interfere with my IZArc menu. I've associated my zip archive files with Smart Unpack now, so all I have to do is double click an archive file. I've now added this app to my 'must install' apps when I setup a new computer.
If you are to download 7Zip from the SourceForge site, use 7zG.exe, not 7z.exe. The 7zG.exe is the graphical version and 7z.exe opens a DOS box. I guess that's what wr975 meant with "Use the full version of 7zip (installer), not the command line".
One curious thing though, when I unpack a single file, it does not show up until I hit 'Refresh'. But I don't think that has anything to do with the script, I think it is 7Zip. I can live with it.
Selecting a different target folder doesn't feel right somehow.
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I completely agree. That's what your full blown archive app (WinRAR, IZArc, 7Zip, etc.) is for.
BTW, Smart Unpack DOES delete the file to the Recycle Bin. I hardly ever use the Recycle Bin. When deleting a file, I always click "Shift-Del". Again, no complaints with Smart Unpack though.
I've just seen this new version. I love the way it doesn't overwrite the folders anymore! :D
There's only one small glitch: could you make it not overwrite files if the archive only contains one file?
I also love the new gui to drop files, good idea! :Thmbsup:
Hey, thanks! :D :Thmbsup:
I wasn't very happy with overwriting files, but ... ehm... too lazy. :-[ Anyway, here's a new version which won't overwrite anymore, ever. Please let me know if it works.
EDIT: 53 downloads... neat. :Thmbsup: New version posted, see Reply#35
Hey, thanks! :D :Thmbsup:
I wasn't very happy with overwriting files, but ... ehm... too lazy. :-[ Anyway, here's a new version which won't overwrite anymore, ever. Please let me know if it works.
-wr975 (October 01, 2006, 06:43 AM)
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Now THAT is cool! :Thmbsup:
Amazing work, looks perfect to me :D
(btw.. i love the comments on the source file :P)
i like this script already. it could prove indispensible when dealing with non-techies.. good job, wr975. :Thmbsup:
btw, a screenshot of the script.
Drag&drop GUI
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