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Xara X1 Massive discount (expires 28th September)

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Carol Haynes said about Xara:
I have always found it slightly odd that they price in dollars - especially being an exclusively UK company.
I figure they assume Americans can't do sums
--- End quote ---

I think that would be an unfair assumption on their part. I'm almost sure that, if I knew what sums were, I'd be able to do it some one...

Thanks for pointing out the link!

Carol Haynes:
LOL ...

Actually here is an American sum ...

199 X 0.53 = 199

can anyone guess what it is and where it applies ?

Actually here is an American sum ...
199 X 0.53 = 199
can anyone guess what it is and where it applies ?
--- End quote ---

Easy, it's Q.3 from the [name-withheld leader-of-the-Western-world] IQ test (same as Q.1 and Q.2).
Typically, the answers to questions 1, 2, & 3 are averaged and ought to result in 63, should you asc.

Carol Haynes:
LOL - but no cigar

Actually it is a real, honest to goodness, Uncle Sam sum ...

Someone must be able to guess where the logic applies ...

It's awfully close to the current £UK/$US conversion rate... on the right day £199 *.53 gets you $199


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