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Xara X1 Massive discount (expires 28th September)
LOL - but no cigar
Actually it is a real, honest to goodness, Uncle Sam sum ...
Someone must be able to guess where the logic applies ...
-Carol Haynes (October 05, 2006, 03:36 PM)
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It's how most things are marketed. Even though British Pounds are worth about 1.53 US Dollars, things are marketed in the US and UK as the same number (but not equivalent price). A video game in the US sells for $50 here and 50 pounds in the UK. Or something like that.
I've heard that Australia gets it the worst, though.
Carol Haynes:
Well done you two - precisely ... not a figment of my imagination at all ;)
Carol Haynes said...
not a figment of my imagination at all
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In my day sums were simpler; a dollar was worth about five bob, so in the contemporary argot half-a-dollar was half-a-crown, therefore 1 x 1 = 1 -- imagine that!
I purchased X1 from this offer and had a fiddle with it last night. Very impressive. I regret not having been switched on when the half-price offer for Xtreme and other Xara products was on in August. At that time I'd hardly ever heard of Xara.
Thanks Carol, I accessed the trial that way. I got an email from Xara indicating that I could upgrade from X1 to Xtreme for $US29 but I can't find that price via any link they gave.
Anyhow if I do decide to upgrade I might do it through your affiliate link. I,ve to decide wheteher I really want/need it first.
-JeffK (October 04, 2006, 05:00 AM)
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Hi Jeff,
If you order the upgrade via my link the cheapest price is $39 - if you want to get it for $29 perhaps you should contact Xara by email and ask them how to go about that. It might be that it was only during the offer period - but I don't know for sure.
-Carol Haynes (October 04, 2006, 03:44 PM)
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Carol, do you have Xara Webstyle? If so what is it like? Are there better alternatives for web design amateurs like me? The reason why I am asking is that while I have been trying Xtreme and 3D and find them intuitive (aren't the help movie tuts good?) Webstyle seems to be from a different stable. But I thought if I was going to by the first two, perhaps I should go the whole hog and get Graphic Studio.
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