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Other Software > Found Deals and Discounts

Coding a new program


Hello dear friends, this is a time-limited offer! :)

Here’s the context: I have to renew a domain expiring on the 16th. Freelance coding sites can take weeks to process payments to PayPal, so I thought I would offer to code a program for only $13 PayPal for a member of the DC community.

WIN/WIN :Thmbsup:

The code can be personal/private or public. As long as you can transfer the $13 PayPal upon code completion in the next few days, feel free to reach out to me either by forum PM or email at [email protected] with your requirements.

Thank you very much & I'm open to multiple project types/themes!

P.S.: If it is something in the likes a “coding snack,” even better. You can choose whether to have the resulting source code posted publicly or kept private.

I remain eager to bring your program to life and, of course, to help each other 🤗.

From a very thankful, Vic

Wow! The DC community rocks big time!

Domain is cleared and there comes public releases directly sponsored by this thread :Thmbsup:

:-* Thank you guys

From a most-grateful,


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