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Upgrading/migrating server prepare for some downtime
We are migrating/upgrading the server so prepare for a bit of downtime.
The server OS and CPANEL install have reached end of service so we need to upgrade the OS, and it's a bit of work.
Crossed fingers it will all go smoothly!
Donationcoder is an old girl.. having started in 2005.. We've been through a lot of changes.. When we moved to a dedicated server in 2007 or so (?) cpanel was a lifesaver, giving us many wonderful options to tweak things. Now in 2024 it does not feel as wonderful and seems to provide many ways to get into trouble :)
Ah, I started my current website in 2005 (my first was around 1999, but it was really ... nothing of value was lost, to say the least), but I still never liked any of those "panels", causing more work than they'd absorb.
Carol Haynes:
Well done :Thmbsup:
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