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Update: Intune - question about custom script to apply Windows MAK licenses


Hello all,

I'm updating this entire thread for brevity, as I've been researching this situation and I've learned a few things. 

- The Detection Script will check for a condition, in my case if a MAK license is installed on a device (a laptop). No output is required other than the value of 0 for an unlicensed device.
- If a license is not detected, it should output that value which should in turn refer this device to the Remediation Script (if refer is the right word)
- The Remediation Script should then activate the device with a valid MAK license using slmgr.
- I've added 5 pilot devices to a group in Intune to test.

Questions - What conditions must be present for this custom script to run and activate the device?
- Is any kind of credential required to run the script?
- How is the script run, would it be when the device is restarted or should it run on some kind of schedule?

And more importantly:
- Must the device be joined to Azure AD before the script will run against it?     
      - These are workgroup devices that have not been joined to the on-prem AD.
      - They have been onboarded to Intune.

The Detection script is simple:

$license = get-ciminstance softwarelicensingproduct | where-object {$_.PartialProductKey}
# check if the license object is a MAK license
if ($license.description -like "*MAK*") {
    # if it is a MAK license, exit with error code 1
 exit 1
} else {
    # if it is not a MAK license, exit with error code 0
 exit 0

Thanks in advance.


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