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ShutdownB - shut down your computer with a timer and a plus!

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Might the alarm command be a folder sector fed into TIMP if ShutdownB was in the same folder as TIMP?
-luvnbeast (February 02, 2024, 07:48 AM)
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Sure! No prob. I'm adding conditional integration with TIMP like this:

If timp.exe is found in the startup folder with no previous saved setting detected, then set default alarm command to: timp.exe /play current

Else, leave the alarm command's FileName property intact so the user can input any command as preferred.

This adds both integration & flexibility to ShutdownB :)

Third ALPHA version implements alarm functionality (including TIMP integration):

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You simply put the ShutdownB.exe file inside TIMP's folder to execute "/play current" command automatically after the alarm triggers.

Next version gets the program out of ALPHA stage to become feature-complete with Settings implemented :-*

ShutdownB v0.1.0 is out (feature-complete :Thmbsup:):

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Please confirm the latest v0.1.0 is complete as per your requirements:

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Thank you!  :-* :Thmbsup:

The command input works ok... but the timer function is locked on 0... so the only way I could gauge the timer is by noticing the time of action... so the timer display should work before integration with TIMP... I mean it seems like a step in the right direction though as if the timer goes negative in the timer's adjustment it starts the right timp directory ok.... I'm sorry my input might not be very helpful....


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