This thread is for bringing into reality
luvnbeast's brainchild as expressed in this post:
https://www.donation....msg453190#msg453190The program requirements can be extracted as:
an alarm feature instead of a shutdown option instead? By having the computer play m3u's or even a folder of music as an option.
It would turn it into an alarm clock as well and be even more valuable as a minimalistic app especially if you kept the same options to delay the alarm
remake the shut down 8 app into the tiniest timer/alarm/timed shutdown program!
Upon activation of the program, a menu opens with the options to shutdown, restart, hibernate, or timer to shutdown...
in a cascading menu you have 10 minute shutdown, 30 minute shutdown, 1 hour shutdown or a 2 hour shutdown.
Then upon selecting the timed shutdown, a popup window with a counter tells you how long until shutdown... which is changeable with +- buttons next to the timer.
So either TIMP could be bundled and put in the same folder as this alarm program or the alarm program could be separated with TIMP inside of it (most of the core programming). Thus being a small wake up timer.
The GitHub repo is opened for "Shutdown
B": very direct wink to the "8"

, as well as intending being another take, or version... a B-side with its own plus

Feel free to brainstorm here as the program becomes ALIVE,