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How to edit a titlebar from a dll?

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It's all finished and works perfectly. Thank you. <3

Library Titlebar???
So I guess whatever app you are starting it uses a library as a container and maybe even create a Window-like application out of it but per se a Library does not have anything visual where you can modify a Caption.
Even that you already solved your problem the proper way would not to patch the binary, the proper way would be to write a small loader that patches the memory on the fly while app is running by doing a simple search for a Window and continue with other Api calls to modify the content in whatever way you like, possible is everything from a coders point of view.

Permanently editing a title bar from a DLL is complex and depends heavily on the specific DLL and its structure. Hex editing may not suffice, and injecting code without recompiling risks instability. While 2012 methods might be outdated, consider a DLL hooking approach intercepting title change messages or resource modification via Win32 APIs. Remember, modifying commercial software might violate licenses, so tread carefully.


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