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TIMP - Tray Icon Music Player [N.A.N.Y. 2024]
:-[ Well I was able to set aside some time to the testing of Timp... and I'm not quite sure of a couple of things and I wanted to try to help to add an improvement maybe...
To shuffle or reshuffle the list, no shuffle command needed as you only have to click on the same directory loading icon to reshuffle the list.
Playpause works wonderfully so no real need for a separate pause function and exit works better than stop.
I was thinking about adding a little beep noise for some haptic feedback when timp receives a command, so I included the wave file in this upload.
I also made some custom Icons for Timp and Shutdown B so maybe there could be some kind of shortcut maker/after installer into the same directory the user wishes to unpack the files... this way it could not only be portable but easier to configure.
The record icon would be for music directories the user might like to make a timp shortcut for.
I'm sorry the icons are not very professional but well I think they kinda work?
I would appreciate any feedback you could offer? :Thmbsup: :huh:
Super! :Thmbsup: ShutdownB is feature-complete and we're taking it out of ALPHA stage next version/release (v0.1.0); let me insert your submitted icon to make it official :)
We can certainly make a double-release package with TIMP once it has all the features :up:
(Not much missing. I reckon we're ~2 minor releases from calling them both complete )
Regarding the extra commands, let's allow them to exist; these are public programs so you never know who may be enjoying them up :-* BTW, I intend to make a few suggestions for your consideration once TIMP is done (e.g. right-click integration, start with windows).
New ShutdownB on the way!
:P There was one more function I forgot. I forgot to mention a repeat song function just in case you are listening to a song and happen to hear a song that you wish to hear over and over again... sure you could hit previous song but a loop song icon would be kinda better.
I hope the addition will not be a problem for you? I included an icon for you to use for the loop setup...
Sorry about the absentmindedness... :-[
Super! :Thmbsup: ShutdownB is feature-complete and we're taking it out of ALPHA stage next version/release (v0.1.0); let me insert your submitted icon to make it official :)
We can certainly make a double-release package with TIMP once it has all the features :up:
(Not much missing. I reckon we're ~2 minor releases from calling them both complete )
Regarding the extra commands, let's allow them to exist; these are public programs so you never know who may be enjoying them up :-* BTW, I intend to make a few suggestions for your consideration once TIMP is done (e.g. right-click integration, start with windows).
New ShutdownB on the way!
-publicdomain (February 08, 2024, 07:58 PM)
--- End quote ---
I think right click integration would be absolutely wonderful! Maybe with an option to create a timp shortcut here would be a great solution this way no having to manually create the shortcuts, or maybe to automatically create the shortcut to the music folder of timp. So the timp folder would have this automatic setup upon clicking the exe without any extra commands....
do you wish to install timp to this folder?
(yes no)
(rest for yes)
create /timp command folder to put all of the timp command icons
create /timp musical folder to put all of the timp musical icons
Install the winshell integration..
do you wish to install Shutdown B to this folder?
(rest for yes)
copy shutdown B and any dependencies
(rest for any no option)
Show the license option and your webpage for updates....
I really think this little timp program with the shutdown b if the size is under say 5 mb might be able to be submitted to a competition for the smallest yet most functional mp3 program on the market. I mean sure there are bigger and flashier mp3 programs, yet they are annoyingly complicated, flashy and well just plain ridiculous in resource usage. I believe many have forgotten the old days of worrying about a couple of megabytes of size as too many programs are an insane 30+ megs in size and are mostly for flash.
Anyway thank you so much for the work you have and continue to do with this little creation. :Thmbsup: :P :-[
Thanks for your kind words & input :-* Let me digest all of that! :)
I've released ShutdownB's first fully-functional (feature-complete) version:
Regarding TIMP, it's the very next release so the focus is on getting it developed, up to your entire satisfaction.
There are a few improvement ideas on the Playlist itself as well (e.g. Extracting MP3 information from the ID3 tag in order to add separate list columns for "the title, artist, album, track number, and other information"; also, adding a small progress bar for current play time). Making it a functional yet slim player that -as you noticed- is easy on computer resources :Thmbsup:
Oh! Last but not least, I want to ask what do you think about merging both releases into a third all-encompassing "ShutdownTIMP" program, smoothly integrating both ShutdownB's and TIMP's functionality into a single .exe file
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