Main Area and Open Discussion > N.A.N.Y. 2024
TIMP - Tray Icon Music Player [N.A.N.Y. 2024]
What do you think?
-luvnbeast (January 25, 2024, 02:12 PM)
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That's a YES my friend :-* We are in business :Thmbsup:
For the first time in a long time, I am finally able to stay home for a couple weeks, focused on doing what I love --that's helping folks like yourself. I am really set on being a person who assists mankind to shift into the positive. I am absolutely convinced we can achieve it together, everyone putting their best either by acting directly or by supporting, which is equally important
My utmost goal is making a living helping others with my skills. I knock on wood for achieving it on 2024
Regarding TIMP:
TIMP v0.3.0 is released!
* Direct download:
* GitHub tag:
- Adds live processing for "/prev", "/next" and "/exit" commands.
- Accepts "/play <directory path>" command on start-up.
Developing it has been quite a ride. For it's size, TIMP is full of corner cases! --but hey, we're up to the task :)
...It provides the illusion of being only one process, but in reality you cannot prevent users from opening multiple processes at will in their computer, so you have to be resourceful and keep track of the main instance and then pass the live commands via inter-process communication.
There is plenty of room for implementing ideas/improvements as we develop it. TIMP truly can become a very fine & useful music player! | ▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။ ၊|• 0:10)
Development continues!
The only thought I could add to make TIMP a bit more complete is a selection of which song to play next by double clicking the song title on the list. Right now the song that is playing is highlighted and if you highlight another song it does nothing really. This way the song you wish to play could be selected but of course if we do not care which song plays next, then a random one will be played as you got it. Other than that, it looks and functions beautifully. :Thmbsup:
The extra control icons could be made and activated from another launcher easily and they work great. ;D
This TIMP is truly turning into a tiny wonder. :P
Hello! play-by-click is already implemented in TIMP's latest version :Thmbsup:
Also, I'm finishing /shuffle, /sort, /show, /hide, /first, /last, /pause, /play, /stop and /playpause commands; including pushing them to GitHub as each happens :Thmbsup:
You can monitor the process at:
TIMP v0.4.0 is right on the way! :-*
:D I love it when great ideas come to reality! :Thmbsup: :P
:D I love it when great ideas come to reality! :Thmbsup: :P
-luvnbeast (February 03, 2024, 06:41 AM)
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IT'S ALIVE!! TIMP v0.4.0 is here :Thmbsup:
* Download:
* GitHub tag:
Now I continue finishing ShutdownB while you test TIMP & we get closer to call this unique program combo feature-complete to resume BeastBoard :-*
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