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Visual Basic 6 App.s in need of way to charge for usage, ideas?
Hmm, could you put this in simple english for an old guy, please?-OptimalDesigns (November 05, 2023, 09:20 AM)
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We will use the technology matching what you want your users to get in their browser.
Any one of the following:
a) If it is a terminal/console window reflecting the DOSBox program: we use Xtermjs (embedded terminal for web pages)
b) If it is a web page reflecting what the VB6 app emits. We use regular HTML.
c) If it is forwarding the VB6/DOSBox itself as shown on the server, there are multiple options.
It depends on what you want your users to interact with (Which choice from the above).
More on my idea. 2 Apps are free for anyone to use; the other 3 would be charged after say one week of free usage.
If either of 3 is charged, then ALL may be used under the umbrella.-OptimalDesigns (November 05, 2023, 09:20 AM)
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Okay, so this means a database for registered members is enabled.
When a member is registered but has not paid, he would only be able to access the 2 free apps.
When a member visits any of the 3 apps, he is invited to start a free trial of 7 days. The start date is saved.
At the end of the 7 days, he must checkout for $30 so he is granted 30 more days of access to ALL apps :Thmbsup:
The monthly charge/fee should be $30 as of today.-OptimalDesigns (November 05, 2023, 09:20 AM)
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Got it. The amount is configured via Paypal button's HTML. It can be edited/modified in the future.
A terminal running 24/7, how is this done?-OptimalDesigns (November 05, 2023, 09:20 AM)
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The Windows server runs it in the background.
The user connects to the HTTP service by means of the web browser.
After a certain timeout, the usage session is terminated but the terminal keeps running on the server.
Your offer sounds good to me.-OptimalDesigns (November 05, 2023, 09:20 AM)
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Wonderful! The sooner we start the better!
Please send the first $100 paypal to [email protected] to begin development
It okay with me ... great idea :)
-OptimalDesigns (November 05, 2023, 09:23 AM)
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Super! I'm glad to publish something like this here on DC :up:
My birthday is this month so this is also special as the extra income adds-up as a birthday present for me & also helps my family :-* 🤗
Thank you Phil.
From a most-grateful,
After a certain timeout, the usage session is terminated but the terminal keeps running on the server.
Your offer sounds good to me.
-OptimalDesigns (Today at 07:20:15 AM)
Wonderful! The sooner we start the better!
Please send the first $100 paypal to [email protected] to begin development -publicdomain (November 05, 2023, 11:44 AM)
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Please download the CurvFit App, install it, and run a few demo files to get an idea on how things flow.
I sent you $100 via PayPal just a few minutes ago :)
Thank you Phil! It's acknowledged & we're officially starting the development of your VB6/DOSbox project :Thmbsup:
I already downloaded the "curvfit-install-v-6.7.exe" file from
Chances are I ask for more detailed information via email / private side.
(There will be public updates as the technology pieces come to fit together --that is, as we actually connect the web browser to the back-end, build the PayPal instant payment notification handling, etc.)
Your positive engagement is very appreciated indeed :-*
From a grateful,
Hi Phil, please check last email as we're moving into the actual Windows server setup :Thmbsup:
From my point of view you would need two things.
1. A HTTPS WebServer with some kind of Database/SQL and PHP support
2. Modify your apps to be not executable on its own, instead only per Launcher/Loader
Technical aspect is, Launcher offering a registration/login page, that can of course be stored for automatic usage later, on the registration page you offer your service to let people pre-paid their account, that information gets stored on the WebServer Database, now each time user runs an application a specific amount gets cutted from that Database until there is nothing left to cut.
That would be my way of handling such.
All of this can be realized in any programming language since you do just external web calls.
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