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nkDot-corners v0.1.0



Sequential dot on the North-West, South-East, North-East and finally to the South-West corner, in a loop.


* DCmembers @
* GitHub @
Made for: nkormanik

Original thread: Single Dot in Graphics Window

Source code: nkDot-corners @ GitHub

Targets Microsoft .NET framework v4.5

v0.1.0 notes:
[*]Reuses nkDot-editor.
[*]Dot color.
[*]Dot size.
[*]Dot redraw interval.
[*]Running time.
[*]Background color.
[*]Always on top.

Day #304, Week #44 @ October 31, 2023




Release supporters:
[*]Jesse Reichler (A.K.A. Mouser from
[*]Max P.
[*]Kathryn S.
[*]Mateusz D.
[*]Will you be our next supporter? :)[/list]

💗 Support:

One-time Paypal @

Our Patreon page @

Email/Paypal: [email protected]

Thanks & keep on rocking! 👍

I really, really like nkDot-corners.  One possible 'enhancement' would be to allow for increasing animation speed using the Up Arrow key, decrease animation speed with the Down Arrow key.  Not completely necessary, however.

Here is another related program.  'Claude 3 Opus' helped me make it using Python.  It has the key functionality mentioned above.  I run it on a 4K monitor, so the settings are for that.  User can adjust to their preferences by editing the Python code.

Well, platform didn't allow me to upload it.  Perhaps someone can suggest an alternative place to save it and make it available?
-nkormanik (April 18, 2024, 12:51 AM)
--- End quote ---

If you're trying to upload it to this forum, you should be able to zip it up and then upload the zip file.

Enhancement Requests:

Speed dynamically adjustable while program is running.  Using up-arrow and down-arrow.  Increase or decrease the speed incrementally with each press of those buttons.  Default increment would be, say, 5% of the current speed.  Speed change only affects current session.  Next session returns to default that user has set.

Countdown timer, shown inconspicuously in the upper-left-hand corner of the window.  When time expires, the program quits entirely.  Resolution should be in seconds.  Zero-padded to minutes.  Example: 1:23, 0:45, 0:06, ...

Current speed shown in upper right-hand corner of the window.  Same font and style as the countdown timer.  Number will change if user presses the up-arrow or down-arrow.

No need for labels.  Just show the numbers.  User should know what the numbers mean.

Colors preference: Font = navy blue.

Red dot should not overwrite the numbers at the top.  There should be a small distance between the numbers and the red dot.  Perhaps 10-20 pixels or so.

Aside from not overwriting the numbers, the program can maintain corner-to-corner behavior.

Thanks much, Vic!

Nicholas Kormanik

 nkDot-corners v0.1.0

p.s. -- Ignore the figure in the middle of the red circle shown above.  I included that in another similar program created with Python.  I included that star figure to better ensure visual focusing during the execution of the program.

@Nick, please "ping" if you're around! :)


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