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Synchronization software with tree view, moved files detection and size ignore

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Thanks very much, and sorry for the late reply. Do you happen to know whether Beyond Compare recognizes files and folders that have been moved or renamed?
-David.P (January 18, 2024, 09:46 AM)
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have you found that out anywhere?

Their website isnt very informative, I was considering it myself, cause I often want to compare rather than synchronise folders -- but that aspect seems to be only fully available in the pro version which twice the price ...
Folder Compare alignment overrides
Overrides how files are aligned in a Folder Compare session.  For example, you could compare your .gif files on one side with .png files of the same name on the other side.
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Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have implemented yet:

Synchronizing same folders where one side was renamed

Window's shortcuts often (always?) find the destination file even if it has been renamed - so long as it's still local (not external or network).

Have never heard of a backup programme that does this.

Syncovery's [...] sync preview [...] shows me thousands of folders where nothing has changed, so that I can't possibly see the ten files that actually have changed.
-David.P (October 08, 2023, 07:06 AM)
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in case this puts anyone off the idea of Syncovery - the list can be easily filtered, including to just show changed files.

in case this puts anyone off the idea of Syncovery - the list can be easily filtered, including to just show changed files.-tomos (March 20, 2024, 04:00 AM)
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Correct. The problem was that all of my folders had different modification dates on both sides. For this reason, Syncovery would show every single one of my 15,000 folders even in the sync preview mode that is supposed to only "show affected" items. After changing one of the about 35,372 option settings of Syncovery (unfortunately, I don't remember which setting that was), I managed to solve this issue.


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