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Exclude all files



First, thanks for this awesome program!

Is there a way to exclude all files for a location, and only return directories from it?

In regular search you can add +\ to the search string to only show results that are folders.

But maybe you asked about options inside the "search directory" window? I don't think there's an option to show only folders there.

But you can create a search alias that both uses +\ to only show results that are folders and uses a modifier keyword (created in a "search directory") to narrow the results further, for example only show results under the parent folder C:\abc

In regular search you can add +\ to the search string to only show results that are folders.

But maybe you asked about options inside the "search directory" window? I don't think there's an option to show only folders there.

But you can create a search alias that both uses +\ to only show results that are folders and uses a modifier keyword (created in a "search directory") to narrow the results further, for example only show results under the parent folder C:\abc
-Nod5 (September 30, 2023, 04:25 AM)
--- End quote ---

Hi Nod5,

So happy to see there is still activity on this forum  :D

So I meant setting one specific folder such that, FARR only showed folders from that location (+ other results from other locations based on their settings).

I was able to do this by specifying \ in extension box:

Glad you found the solution!

Is there a way to make ALL the search folders exclude certain file extensions (files, for example) - I just want to show executables in my default search list and only search directories by using the \ character.

Is there a global search exclusion list?


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