Software > PublicDomainVic
BeastBoard by @luvnbeast
The hotkey idea is definitely doable as long as the hotkeys are definable in settings, but multiple menu hotkey bars autohiding might work too.. :-*
The hotkey idea is definitely doable as long as the hotkeys are definable in settings, but multiple menu hotkey bars autohiding might work too.. :-*
-luvnbeast (October 15, 2023, 12:58 PM)
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Hey! I'm back (albeit overworked), sorry for the delay. Currently giving it the final touches to upload/publish :Thmbsup:
Thanks for your confirmation!
I hope I'll be able to test the Beastboard out soon. I'm sorry for your delays and I really wish they were behind you now so you could focus on finishing this off....
Apologies indeed :-[ The good news: yours is the very next release :Thmbsup:
I'm aiming at having it delivered complete/fully-featured, to fulfill your requirements entirely
(making it worth the wait!)
Thanks 🤗
I'm not sure where you will be releasing it, as the original github hasn't been touched or updated since sept. 3rd... However our hopes are still high that you will be able to come up with something good.... :huh:
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