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Looking for Raspberry Pi with Pass-Through Power

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Stoic Joker:
Okay, this could be a Unicorn, but...

Has anyone ever come across a Raspberry Pi that has a pass-through power port, similar to the powerline networking devices?

So something that looks like this, but with a Raspberry Pi in it.

I can't give a lot of detail about what I'm up to, but I'd be needing something that is not a kit/homebuilt for the application in mind.

Thanks in Advance,

Stoic Joker

What will the main task of the RPi be? Not just switching & measuring the power, I assume?

Only thing I've ever seen is the old hack of a Pi in a power board here but being homebuilt it's excluded.

Besides that nothing but the old SheevaPlug/GuruPlug - not even sure you can get them anymore - but they weren't power pass-thru.

I see a lot of this kind of devices, where they usually have an ESP8266/ESP8285 or ESP32 chip (with WiFi support, and some ESP32 even use BLe), but they also have (at least) a relay to switch the output and often a sensor to measure power consumption. I've never seen one with an RPi, though with the recent RP2040 that might change, as that chip is targetting the IoT market. But it's not nearly as capable as a full-fledged RPi, more in the ESP/STM region.

Stoic Joker:
What will the main task of the RPi be? Not just switching & measuring the power, I assume?
-Ath (August 16, 2023, 12:10 PM)
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Okay, let me preface this with the intended application for said device is completely legal... Which I bring up, because the intended application is network scanning and data collection (Note: I work for an MSP..). So... Also forgot to mention - towards that end - it will need to have 2 ethernet ports.

The power pass-through, and dual ethernet ports are really just for deployment simplicity so that it does not require additional power & ethernet ports, as this would be installed with another networked device that it would then be monitoring via SNMP.

Only thing I've ever seen is the old hack of a Pi in a power board here but being homebuilt it's excluded.
-4wd (August 17, 2023, 03:19 AM)
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Wasn't looking to get quite that devious with it, but that is a right interesting little widget.

I don't need to interact or disrupt the power flow, I just need the pie to be powered by it on its way to the device being monitored ... without the need for an additional power receptacle/wall wart type situation.

Note: unfortunately, due to a general distain for all things IoT, I've never delved into the Pi stuff previously. So at this point I simply have no idea how to even start looking for something applicable to the task.


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