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After a time of inactivity in the pc maximize a window of a program in the tray

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How can I launch to maximize a program in the tray icon after a time of inactivity ?

The program is in the tray icon constantly running

After a time of inactivity in the pc maximize a window of a program in the tray

The program is in the tray icon constantly running
-Contro (August 13, 2023, 05:02 AM)
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Which (exact!) program?

after a time of inactivity ?
-Contro (August 13, 2023, 05:02 AM)
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What is your definition of 'inactivity'?

Hello Ath nice to listen !

maximize the window of a resident program from the tray icon , saturdays, tuesdays and thursdays at 14.30 hours.

the program is ProgressBarsOfLife.exe

I was thinking about using the task Programmation (Programador de tareas de windows en espaƱol) . I don't know how to do this.

Note : after a time of inactivity ? --- change to those days at 14.30 hours.
My dear Ath where can I find a simple tutorial about the concept of windows inactivity ?

I launch everyday ProgressBarOfLife, but sometimes I forget to execute, because are target flexible, after the due time I have a month.

thanks for any help.
I begin to ask in other forums
Best Regards
 :-* :P

First results by my own means.

Maximize creating a shortcut of pbol don't works for me.

I am trying the command

O:\Mis documentos en O\SOFTWARE GESTION\ProgressBarsOfLifePortableACER\ProgressBarsOfLife.exe  /i cmd /k mode con cols=30 lines=40

PBOL don't obey the command, but at least I obtain a super maximized window

In a batch script i don't obtain good results until moment.

 :-* :P


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